This Black History Month, we are lending our platform to our Black founders. Today we hear from Mac Alabre, founder of Lien Library and participant in our 2022 EndeavorLAB Cohort for Black Founders. Below are his words.

My name is Mac Alabre and I am living proof that with determination, drive and support, anything is possible. I am currently a Ph.D. student industrial organizational psychology at Florida International University. At the same time, I’m the proud founder and CEO of a Lien Library, a cutting-edge software-as-a-service platform that enables local governments to provide property debt information to title companies, realtors, and homeowners instantly. Instead of doing it the traditional way, five to seven business days.

In my experience, what I’ve realized being a founder means it requires a lot of dedication, hard work and a willingness to fail every single day to face new challenges because you have to remember you are creating something that is new, something that is meaningful and impactful. Therefore you have to be patient to see the growth of it.

I have a few simple advice but yet there are powerful ones that have worked for me so far. First thing in my experience, before I do anything, I put God first. Second, I find an amazing community where I can find amazing mentors. For me Endeavor Miami has been that community. You have to understand, as you’re going through this journey, you need someone that can shape you, guide you, and that’s the quality of mentors that you’re looking in that community. And third, find an amazing team. A team where you don’t hire them only for their skills, but you hire them for their personality, their character. Lastly, show up every single day enthusiastically to get the things done because you have to remember what you’re trying to get done. It is not a one man job, but yet you started it, therefore you have the capacity to finish it.

As they say, if you get the job done, the rest will be history.